Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My kids are so weird.

Picky is one thing, but sometimes they just take the cake. They really will, too. They will take it and run away with it and eat it all. But I digress.
On the menu tonight was steak tacos, black beans and fruit salad. Toppings for the tacos included a lovely mix of yellow and red tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, sour cream and salsa.
Guess what the kids ate. Go on, guess. If you guessed a tortilla with cheese and sour cream on it, you'd be right! Sam ate his with lettuce and cheese.
No steak. Not one bite. Not even on the side. And I know that Emma likes steak, and I was pretty sure that Sam did. Ellie's iffy on it. Steak has to be tender and not too hard to chew before she will eat it. Which I get. I really do. I don't like to eat shoe leather either. Just chase the cow through the kitchen and I'm good to start nomming on Bessie.
But THEY TURNED THEIR NOSES UP AT STEAK!! What's wrong with my children?


  1. Too much cake is what's wrong. That, and no one has gone hungry yet.

  2. Coming from the perspective of a once picky child, I've been there. I didn't much care for steak as a kid. My mom made steak fairly often when I was young, and I have to say that I was absolutely SHOCKED when I got older and realized that people thought of steak as this mouth-watering delicacy. Meat was never a favorite for me (and I actually went vegetarian for seven years as a teen and young adult). I don't know if it was the texture, the taste, the way it sat in my stomach...It just didn't do anything for me, and I probably would've gone the same way as the kids at their ages.

    Just keep offering different things. I eventually grew out of my pickiness (except for some texture issues. Wet crunchy things- celery and water chestnuts in particular- are still right out), and these days I'll try just about anything. Hopefully that'll happen for them too, one day. :)

  3. Stephanie, it was a shock because I know Emma loves steak and Ellie likes it if it's tender. They are incredibly difficult about eating something that they like if it is presented in a different way.
