Friday, February 4, 2011

The guaranteed win.

Tonight was homemade pizza night. Even for the pickiest of the picky in my house, that's a win. And the kids get to help make it, which results in tasty snacks on the floor for the dogs, who are quite fond of cheese.
I don't know why we don't make pizza more often. I can make them for less than I can buy a frozen one. And pair it with a big salad and everyone is full after 3 pieces or so, unlike when we hit the local pizza buffet. Even the skinny mini can pack away 6 pieces and a brownie or two when we eat there. And homemade has got to be more healthy.

Not everything we've eaten this week has been such a big hit. Last night I made shepard's pie, which is one of Bill's favorites. What's not to love about meat and potatoes, especially if you are a man. And piling mashed potatoes on top of meat just makes it better. The carrots and peas tucked in there are just a bonus to make you feel like you've gotten your veggies in. But of course, the kids didn't like it.

Fortunately for my blood pressure, I was at a meeting and didn't have to listen to them saying "Yuck!" No, not that kind of meeting. They haven't pushed me that far, yet. It was for Girl Scouts.

So, I got to come home and eat my dinner in peace in front of my weekly dose of Gray's Anatomy, something we don't let the kids do. I'm sure they found something to eat as clearly they didn't starve overnight.

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