Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh the cheesy goodness of it all.

Sorry for the lack of blog postage lately. Between Girl Scout cookie season (did you buy your cookies yet? huh? Didja? Huh?), the cold I had last week and the ulcer that I've developed this week, I haven't done a hell of a lot of cooking. The few times I have this week I've been holding my stomach and crying while I cooked. Tonight was the first time in a while I've looked at food and thought it looked yummy. But then, as the title says, there was cheesy goodness and I think I'd have to be dead to not be happy about cheese.

I made chicken noodle casserole tonight. It's basically what it sounds like, chicken noodle soup turned into a cheesy, yummy casserole. It was so damned good it made me want to smack my mama. Fortunately for her, she's 125 miles away.

Bill of course didn't touch it because it was full of the dreaded cheese. I need to make it again and figure out where to leave the cheese out of some of it for him.

Ellie and Emma both thought it was good and happily ate it.

Sam refused to even bring his plate to the table and acted like we were trying to poison him.

I think it was a partial win. Actually, it was a total win because I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow! Yay me!

Here's the recipe I used (mostly):

I added some crumbled up saltine crackers to the top and a sprinkle of cheese, with crackers smashed up in it, because we're a little odd and like our chicken noodle soup. So, I thought it would be good on top of the casserole but otherwise followed the recipe. Oh, and I've commit the sin of running out of garlic, so I didn't put any garlic in it, but I can only imagine it would be even better with some. If you love cheese and you love chicken noodle soup, this dish is for you!

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