Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sneaky, sneaky mama.

Last night we had turkey burgers, fries and fruit salad for dinner. What's not to love, right? Well, sneaky mama decided to see if I could slip some sweet potato fries over on them. It's still a french fry. It's still not good for them. But it at least has more nutrition than regular french fries. And its a new taste.
So, I pull them out of the oven and immediately Em asked "What is that?"
"French fries, what does it look like?" I scoffed, totally ignoring the fact that they were, you know, bright orange.

I had the conversation two more times with the other kids. Fortunately for his health and well being, Bill had sense enough not to ask.

Seeing as how they all completely doubted the fact that they were, in fact, french fries, I was really thinking that no one would like them and I would be subjected to wailing and gnashing of teeth for torturing them with false french fry hope. Imagine my amazement when they all happily noshed away on bright orange sweet potato fries.

Even El, who didn't really eat much because she wasn't in the mood for a hamburger, ate some of them and like them. Really I think the carton of strawberries that she put away by herself for a snack might have had something to do with her lack of mood, but at least strawberries are good for her.

So, newest strategy, disguising new foods as something familiar and yummy.

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