Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I could do anything for meatloaf, but I won't do that...

It was a meat and 'taters night here, so the masses were mostly happy. Tonight we had meatloaf, rosemary and parmesan roasted potatoes, Italian green beans sauteed with onion and tossed with almonds and parmesan and a salad. It sounds like a guaranteed win, right? It was a dinner paradise by the votive candlelight, according to Bill.

But honestly, I never know with the kids. It's one meal that I know Bill will not only eat, but enjoy, though. Tonight I only had Sam having a whinefest about not liking it and refusing to carry his own plate to the table. But, a couple of hours of sledding and an hour at the barn and an hour in a restaurant playland makes for a tired boy. And I think he was just worn out. He ate decently.

Ellie served as my sous chef. I thought that might encourage her to eat a little better. Hm. Maybe.

She ate a little bit of meatloaf, the insides of her potatoes and salad.

Emma ate her meatloaf, her potatoes and one green bean.

In this house, that counts as a dinner win.

And yes, I know she's wearing PJs. We'd been sledding and she changed back into them when we got home to get warm.

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