Monday, January 10, 2011

Like the world needs another food blog

Really, though, can you have too many food blogs? I think not. Besides, in my own mind, I am a genius (that's Wile E. Coyote, Suuuuuuper genius, thank you very much), and I think that ramblings, complaints and the frustrations of a food lover and wannabe foodie stuck with a family of picky eaters and out and out food haters.

Case in point, in honor of our glorious snowfall today, I thought a pot of turkey noodle soup would hit the spot. And hey, there was leftover turkey from Christmas in the freezer just waiting to be used. Ah, a pot of soup simmering away on the stove all day. It smelled yummy. When we were ready to eat, I went down, fished all the meat out of the pot and stuck the immersion blender in. Voila! The veggies magically disappeared. What? Quelle horror, you say! Yep. It's pretty much a crime against humanity to puree the vegetables into oblivion in soup. But if I don't, the kids won't eat them and will whine about them even being in their bowls. This way at least they eat the damned veggies and maybe get a vitamin or two that didn't look like a gummy bear.

So, ok, turkey noodle soup with pureed veggies. We eat chicken noodle soup once or twice a month in the winter and it's not like it's something exotic. The kids come down, see what's for dinner and immediately start moaning and groaning. "I don't want that!" says El. "I hate chicken noodle soup!" says Sam. "It's too hot!" He immediately opened the fridge to look for something else, whereupon I snarled at all of them that this was dinner and they could take it or leave it.

Sam did end up eating his. The girls picked at theirs, and when I sighed and said "But you like chicken noodle soup and this tastes the same," Ellie said "Well, I like it when it comes from a can."

You see what I'm up against here? I'm not even trying to feed them anything exotic. I just want us to eat real food, limit the canned and processed stuff, although I make no promises that we will never eat convenience food, and all in all get my family to learn to enjoy food. Good food. Healthy food. Food with flavor and color and some damned nutrition in it. Something not mac and cheese and chicken nuggets and canned chicken noodle soup.

Hopefully along the way I don't loose my mind.


  1. I'm glad to hear that when they started to look for something else that you said no. I wouldn't tolerate cooking and no one eating. :)


  2. Yeesh! I thought P was picky. Good luck
